Making Headway
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Thursday, August 17, 2023
By Bret Sexton
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I have booked my first shoot!

To say it feels surreal thinking about everything going on right now would be a major understatement. It can feel like this moment came out of nowhere as I was not holding my breath on getting any form of a callback, but it really is the little things that can make something feel like it happened overnight. I know I probably sound like a broken record at this point, but joining GRAS really was a catalyst-type moment. The confidence and skills I have built here undoubtedly played a role in landing this opportunity. Before I knew it, shoot day was upon me, and I was ready to jump in.

Of course, another curve ball was in store for me, as my first gig was not for acting, but a modeling photoshoot. I would have been nervous enough acting in my first paid role, but modeling is another beast entirely. Thankfully, I was blessed with an understanding client and other wonderful talent. They made it feel more like hanging out with a group of friends rather than working a job.

The shoot was over in what felt like no time at all, and it was everything I needed it to be. The opportunity to surround myself with other like-minded individuals is so encouraging and motivating. The entertainment industry is often an intimidating machine, but involving yourself with motivated people will ensure you remain on the best path toward success.

Now, as exciting as landing an agent and booking your first shoot is, the work is far from over. It is amazing to now have a team working to find me opportunities, but as with everything in this world, nothing is guaranteed. I may not hear about another opportunity for weeks or months. So, what can I, and others starting out in a similar spot do? Keep building a resume and working on your skills. I plan on booking a photographer to get a professional standard portfolio and continuing my work here at the studio. Similar to many of those currently on strike, one of the best things to do during moments of downtime between work is to sharpen all of our skills, so that when a job does present itself, there is no way to be unprepared.


Class this week was full of perseverance and big strides, with everyone still working on monologues. This would be my first attempt at a piece that required more emotional depth than anything I have worked on before. My practice during the days leading up to class was great. This specific scene requires a transition from the character masking emotion to letting their guard

down fully. I was able to make the switch and hit an emotionally vulnerable place that actually brought on tears.

Unfortunately, the class was not so smooth. I think in my efforts to replicate my emotional stride earlier in the week, I focused too much on adding my own flair to get there. The good news was that Todd's feedback was superb in helping me right the ship. I've heard versions of this before, but he reminded me, especially since so much of audition work is over Zoom, having the script up and putting most of your effort into the emotion so you can just read the lines as they are. This actually makes less work for us as actors, and in my case, allowed the emotion to come more easily.

I was still not able to hit that peak as I had done during my practice. I could feel the sadness of the character wanting to explode from within, but I was just not able to get there. While quite frustrating, it does give me something to put my focus on for the next class, and that is always a little blessing.

I hope to have some more insight in the coming weeks and months regarding working professionally with an agent/agency, as I feel sharing my experience on that side is something I would have been looking for before I started this journal.

There is something out there for all of us, and I am rooting for you.

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